Years later, when I met Sri Raghavendra Swami, I felt a certain affinity. He meditated most of the time; he hardly spoke. From him, I learnt the art of Dhyana and Bhakti yoga. We ask ourselves so many questions. Most of them remain unanswered. Why? Because no written scripture can provide all the answers. Mukti or salvation cannot be attained with mere theoretical know-ledge. A guru can guide us on this path — because he can point out our mistakes. Take mantras, for instance. We can of course read them. But only a guru can teach us the right pronunciation, intonation and rhythm which can create the right vibrations. Why are most mantras repeated 108 times? So that we get it right at least once.
My whole life changed after I read Ramana Mahar-shi's classic, Who Am I? You could say he was my third guru, for, I found many answers reading his work. Yet, I yearned for a guru whom I could see and interact with; who could field my questions and point out my failings. I found him in Sri Satchidananda Swami, who lived in Yogaville, USA. I felt the vibrations were right. But it took me five years to realise that he was my guru. He would say, "When a disciple is ready, only then the true guru appears."
Sometime before Sri Satchidananda Swami left his mortal coil, he told me that hereafter, I should look up to Mahavatar Babaji as my guru so that I can know more about the philosophy of self-realisation. Babaji's life story goes back some 2,000 years. He imbibed the art of Kriya yoga directly from Guru Patanjali himself, who had learnt it from Arjuna, who was in turn taught by Lord Krishna Himself. Two of Babaji's disciples learnt the art of Kriya yoga from him and later, Swami Paramahamsa Yogananda carried forward this yoga tradition which is based on a scientific interpretation of sound and light.
What is so special about Kriya yoga? It expands your consciousness; it enables you to move up from the ridiculous to the sublime — from say, matters of state, politics and (Cauvery) disputes to a deeper understanding of nature of the Self. I got this divine intuition some days ago which prompted me to travel to Babaji's cave in Uttaranchal — he used to meditate there. I've been initiated into practising Kriya yoga through divine dispensation. I'd been thro-ugh hardly a year's basic training before my intuition took me to Babaji's cave...
I returned rejuvenated. As you all know, a press conference followed and I undertook a fast. Here I am (at the farm), far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, with only the rustle of palm trees and Hari and Ganga (Dalmatians) for company. I need to be alone, to reflect and meditate... I know, I am a part of this world; at the same time, I am also learning to live a life apart from it. You persist in questioning me about politics, the (Cauvery) dispute, cinema... when we're conversing on a higher plane, why do you want to go back down there (points to the floor)? Who knows what the next divine dispensation will be?
(Courtesy: The Times of India)
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