It's a research that is guaranteed to delight as well as infuriate both men and women, and could spark a row over the breakfast table.
Yes, the study carried out by scientists in the United Kingdom has revealed that men are actually more intelligent than the fairer sex but they are more stupid as well, the Daily Mail reported in London today.
"The phenomenon may have its roots in society's expectations for the sexes. Men have long been expected to be high achievers, while women were expected to base their lives around the home.
"The female developmental programme may be tilted more towards ensuring survival and the safety of the middle ground," one of the study's authors, Psychology Professor
Timothy Bates of Edinburgh University, was quoted as saying. The researchers came to the conclusion after measuring the intelligence of over 2,500 brothers and sisters by testing them on science, maths, English and mechanical abilities -- they found a disproportionate number of men in both the top two per cent and the bottom two per cent.
According to the findings, there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group. But there were also twice as many men among the dunces. However, the average scores of the men were virtually identical to that of the women.
The research tallies with past findings that men at university were more likely than women to receive first class degrees or thirds -- while women tended to achieve second.
The argument was always that men were more likely to take risks with their academic arguments, which could either be successful or fail dismally. Women, it was suggested, were more steady in their learning.
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